Luscious 19th-century fare is just a Whispers Away
By Cody Kendall
STARS: The Shore the way it used to be is easy to conjure at
Whispers, artfully set in the 19th-century- vintage Hewitt Wellington
with its rambling porches and lake view, the hotel seems to
stop the clock in a more leisurely era. But Whispers serves
up-to-date food; just the thing for those who crave a touch
of modern culinary elegance while they relax.
The bulk of the menu is seafood, made with both
imagination and vitality. Pan-seared
skate filet ($21), his specialty, was never so tenderly
resplendent until he enhanced its smooth white flesh with browned
butter, and sprinkled it with iced pineapple for a small dose of
piquancy. Lobster-whipped Yukon gold potatoes add the
perfect touch to this blissful entree.
Snowy halibut ($22), nicely crusted with coarse Japanese bread
crumbs (panko) and pan-seared, was nearly upstaged by a sassy
pancake made of purple potato and avocado - making for an extremely
mellow combinations.
Crabmeat stars as the central ingredient in a quesadilla appetizer
($9). This sandwich of flour tortillas is smoothed with
Brie, through the horseradish dipping sauce seemed overkill to me,
drowning the delicate flavors of the crab and cheese.
There was no flaw, however, in the "Panache of
Appetizers," ($11) a combo including a strapping
Maryland crab cake, perfect medium-sized grilled shrimp and a
spirited salad of wild mushrooms. Grilling shrimp can be a
tricky business; there's a tendency to overdo, which results in
dry crustaceans. These, however, were models of there kind, with
an exterior just blackened enough to show that they had met the
Despite his affinity for fish, the chef does not neglect
carnivores. His signature appetizer is satiny French fois
gras ($14) served over Asian pears and sundried cranberries to add
a welcome element of tartness. The creation is balanced and
polished with a duck demi-glace.
The simplest dish produced in Whispers' kitchen is the towering
black Angus filet mignon ($28), with roasted garlic, whipped Yukon
gold potatoes and green asparagus. It's a good amount of
meat, a prime steak rather than the supermarket cuts too many
restaurants try to foist off on their patrons.
The only other meat among the entrees is a polenta-crusted roasted
rack o lamb ($24), though grilled ostrich ($10) is offered as a
Deserts by pastry chef, are appropriately light,
given the season. The champagne blueberry sorbet ($7)
dressed with mint is an outstanding refresher. Ice creams
($*( made in-house are creamy but not overly rich.
A duo of crème brulee ($9), bourbon vanilla and the palest raspberry,
was topped with the airiest of sugar crusts, while a "Napoleon"
($8) had no part of the traditional pastry layers. Rather,
vanilla ice cream was layered between two paper-thin crisp almond
wafers, served with fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries,
as well as heavenly cream Anglaise.
Patrons can dress up here without feeling out of place, though
jackets are not required for men. Servers are generally in
step with the refined atmosphere, though we were taken aback when
one asked if we wanted ice for the merlot we brought.
During the season, don't count on getting a table if you make a
spur of the moment decision to visit Whispers. Weekends
generally are booked days in advance. And check the hours if
you go in the fall, when the restaurant is no longer open seven
days a week.
Whispers offers another good reason to visit the peaceful town
known as the Irish Riviera, a magnet for Irish immigrants who had
made it big during the last century. After a dinner at
Whispers, you too, can feel like a well-fed tycoon. .